As provided under current regulations, applicable to Personal Data Protection (GDPR) and under Law 34/2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce [Ley 34/2002, de 11 de julio, de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y de Comercio Electrónico] (LSSI-CE), LA TERRAZA FILMS SL informs users that it has created a profile on the following Social Networks: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, with the main purpose of advertising its products and services.
- TAX ID: B88008339
The user has a profile on the same Social Network and has decided to join the page created by LA TERRAZA FILMS SL, thereby demonstrating an interest in the information published on the Network. In joining our page, users consent to the processing of the personal data published on their profiles.
The user can access the privacy policies on the Social Network itself at all times, and also change the settings of his/her profile to guarantee his/her privacy.
LA TERRAZA FILMS SL has access to and processes the public information of users, in particular, their contact name. These data are solely used within the Social Network itself and are not stored on any processing systems.
As concerns the rights of access, rectification, restriction of processing, erasure, portability and objection to processing of your personal data, which you are entitled to and can be exercised in respect of LA TERRAZA FILMS SL, as provided under the GDPR, you must consider the following particulars:
- Right of Access: Is defined as the right of users to gain information on their specific personal data and the processing completed or to be completed, and the available information on the source of these data and the communications made or provided by the above.
- Right to Rectification: This is the right of the data subject to modify inaccurate or incomplete data. It can solely be satisfied in connection with the information under the control of LA TERRAZA FILMS SL, i.e. the removal of comments published on the page itself, images or web contents including personal data of the user.
- Right to Restriction of Processing: This is the right to restrict the purposes of the processing provided originally by the data controller.
- Right to Erasure: This is the right to erase personal data of the user in due time and manner, save as provided under the GDPR itself or under other applicable regulations setting forth the compulsory obligation to store such data.
- Right to Data Portability: Is the right of the data subject to receive the personal data concerning him or her, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and to transmit those data to another controller.
- Right to Object: Is the right of the user to object to processing of his/her personal data or for the processing of data concerning him or her by LA TERRAZA FILMS SL to cease.
LA TERRAZA FILMS SL shall carry out the following actions:
- Access to the profile’s public information.
- Publication on the user’s profile of any information already published on the page of LA TERRAZA FILMS SL.
- Sending personal and customised messages through the channels of the Social Network.
- Updates on the status of the page, which shall be published on the user’s profile.
The user can always control his/her connections, remove the contents that no longer interest him/her and restrict who s/he shares his/her connections with. To do this, users must access their privacy settings.
Once users have joined the page of LA TERRAZA FILMS SL, they can publish comments, links, images or photographs or any other multimedia contents supported by the Social Network. In all cases, users must be the owners of such contents, hold the copyright and intellectual property rights or have gained the consent of the affected third parties. Any publications on the page are expressly prohibited (including texts, graphics, photographs, videos) if these publications are contrary to or could be contrary to morals, ethics, good taste or decency, and/or where they infringe, violate or breach intellectual or industrial property rights, image rights or the Law. In such cases, LA TERRAZA FILMS SL reserves the right to withdraw the contents immediately, with the entitlement to ask for the user to be permanently blocked.
LA TERRAZA FILMS SL shall not be held liable for the contents freely published by a user.
The user must consider that his/her publications shall be known to other users and, therefore, s/he is the main party responsible for his/her privacy.
Images may be published on the page. These shall not be stored on any processing systems by LA TERRAZA FILMS SL, but shall nevertheless remain on the Social Network.
Competitions and promotions
LA TERRAZA FILMS SL reserves the right to carry out competitions and promotions, which users joining its page can take part in. The rules of each of such competitions or promotions, when the platform used for them is the Social Network, shall be published on such page. Always in compliance with the LSSI-CE and any other applicable rules.
The Social Network does not in any way sponsor, guarantee or administer our promotions and it is further not associated to any of them.
LA TERRAZA FILMS SL shall use the Social Network to advertise its products and services. In any case, if it decided to process your contact details to carry out direct commercial prospecting activities, this would always be in compliance with the requirements of the GDPR and the LSSI-CE.
Recommending the page of LA TERRAZA FILMS SL to other users for them to enjoy the promotions or be informed of its activities shall not be regarded as advertising.
Below you will find the links to the privacy policies of the Social Networks:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
- Instagram: